Bénigens is designed to connect Africans in the diaspora who are seeking serious relationships and marriage. The app addresses a common challenge faced by many Africans living abroad: finding a partner from their own country who shares the same customs, values, and traditions. Bénigens primarily caters to users from Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast, helping them build meaningful connections based on shared cultural identities.

December 5, 2020


UI Design, User Persona, User Flow



User Personas

African Man

Kwame Adom​

Male - Single

Age: 32
Location: London, UK
Occupation: Software Engineer

Background: Originally from Accra, Ghana, Kwame moved to the UK for higher education and has since built a successful career. He is deeply connected to his African roots and values his Ghanaian customs and traditions. Kwame is proud of his heritage and wants to raise a family with someone who shares his cultural values and speaks his native language, Twi.

Goals: To find a partner with similar cultural values, ideally from Ghana or another West African country. | To establish a long-term relationship with the intention of marriage and starting a family. | To feel confident that his partner understands the importance of his cultural heritage and traditions.

Challenges: Struggling to meet women who share his values and cultural background while living in the UK.
Finding it difficult to connect with people on mainstream dating apps who don’t understand or value his African identity.
Balancing career, social life, and dating in a foreign country.

Personality: Kwame is introverted but friendly, and he’s focused on building a stable future. He prefers a thoughtful, meaningful approach to dating and is looking for someone he can build a life with. Family is important to him, and he regularly communicates with his family back in Ghana.

Tech Habits: He is comfortable with technology, often using apps and websites to stay connected with friends and family. Kwame is familiar with dating apps but finds them impersonal and not suited to his goal of finding a serious partner.

African Woman

Adama Diallo

Female - Single

Age: 28
Location: Paris,France
Occupation: Fashion Designer

Background: Adama was born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and moved to France to pursue her studies in fashion. She is career-driven but also longs to settle down with someone who understands her African values and traditions. Adama comes from a close-knit family and is fluent in French and Dioula.

Goals: To find a serious partner who shares her values and cultural background, preferably from Ivory Coast, Senegal, or a neighboring country. |  To meet someone who respects African traditions and is interested in building a family together. | To strike a balance between her career ambitions and personal life.

Challenges: Difficulty finding men in Europe who appreciate and understand her West African values. Feeling isolated in the dating world because most platforms don’t cater to her cultural background. Navigating dating while maintaining her cultural identity in a foreign country.

Adama is outgoing and passionate about her work, but she deeply values her traditions and wants her partner to share in those values. She’s independent but seeks a partner who is supportive and family-oriented. Community and cultural identity are central to her life.

Tech Habits:
She frequently uses social media to stay connected with friends and family in Africa. Adama has tried several dating apps but hasn’t found one that meets her desire for a culturally connected relationship. She’s looking for a platform that aligns with her search for a meaningful, long-term relationship.

User Flow : Sign up, Profile and Verification

WireFrame - Low Fidelity UI

WireFrame Prototype